The importance of logistics for Brazilian Companies

14 de July de 2014, by , Posted in News, Comments Off

Currently the Brazilian Companies live an extremely challenging time. This new scenario is characterized by the search for greater competitiveness, greater technological development, offering new products and services suitable to the expectations of customers and greater motivation and development of intellectual capital (human resources).

To overcome these challenges, some companies seek to take actions to reduce costs in isolation (through elimination of positions in its workforce, elimination of caffeine, control phone calls and other less well-known). These actions sometimes are necessary, however, when taken in isolation, do not provide the desired result.

On the other hand, we have companies who see logistics as a very effective competitive strategy. These companies plan and coordinate their management actions in an integrated manner, evaluating the whole process from the Supply of Raw Material to make sure that the client had their needs and expectations met by the product or service delivered.

The result is to overcome the challenges presented and therefore a better market positioning.

As central points of Logistics we can highlight:

  • Integrated and systemic view of all processes of the Company. The absence of this concept makes each area / department of the company think and work in isolation. This creates internal conflict for power and causes the greatest competitors of a company are within herself;
  • Make “things” (material and information) to move as quickly as possible, thereby achieving optimize investments in assets (stocks);
  • Seeing the entire supply chain as an important part of your process. Your Vendors, Employees, Community and Customers are like links in a chain and are closely interconnected. Therefore, we must always assess whether their needs and expectations are fully met;
  • The Planning (Strategic, Tactical and Operational) and the constant evaluation of performance through indicators, management tools are essential for the development of a good logistics system;
  • The use of information systems (ERP, WMS, TMS …) to provide decisions that need to be increasingly faster and in an environment of uncertainty and competition support very large;
  • Increased collaboration between supplier and consumer through relevant for the desired service level information sharing.


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