Technological bets for the next 12 months

24 de February de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

Teacher of BandTec points IT tools that will be highlighted in 2015

Technology. Information. Connected world. Evolution does not and for the year 2015 are good prospects for the frantic IT industry. Among the many innovations to come, we will see, for example, of a race developers (and their applications), expanding the supply of solutions and the scope of the Internet of Things. Within this dynamic, I highlight some technologies that I think are promising for the year, further contributing to the transformation of the market.

The first is the Arduino, rapid prototyping board for beginners in electronics. In the market for about ten years, it allows the development of projects ranging from programming the lighting of a lamp to the complexity of a smart home (Internet of Things). Still, integrated Internet, works with sound and image files. Its use has grown considerably and evidence gained with respect to home electronics because of the simplicity and ease which provides for the developer.

Still, gain market space technologies that promote flexibility. The Windows Azure, for example, is a development platform in the cloud that allows you to host database and virtual machines causing the entire infrastructure is outside the company. The great benefits that technology offers are the availability and scalability – use the solution as demand – and, yet, without responsibility for the structure, management size or data security.

The Big Data tools also will be highlighted in the coming year. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), Big Data and Analytics account for a market of $ 125 billion in 2015. These solutions bring together a huge amount of data – usually from the internet or human interaction in social networks – and allow Smart crossing of this information in order to generate customer value. Thus, allow their use in line with the company’s strategic objectives.

The growing use of mobile devices and applications will continue demanding development platforms involving major operating systems on the market (iOS, Android and Windows). To this end, there are several tools that aid the creation of “multi-platform” as the Xamarin, which optimizes the application development time, making them also compatible with different devices. Another tool available is the new version of Visual Studio, Microsoft, which uses the Apache Cordova platform for that purpose.

In addition to the solutions discussed, next year will be much talked about new coming to stay: technologies that enable human-machine interaction through augmented reality and virtual reality goggles (3D). They can be integrated with the Internet of Things and the gain in user experience is rich and can be applied in: medicine, flight simulations and research & development laboratories, for example. From the evolution of this trend and technology, we will see the emergence of innovative tools.

This is only a small part of all that is to come. For next year, we can expect great advances in many different sectors, that will certainly be supported by technology and the many possibilities it allows. To professionals, good job!

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