How to optimize the performance of your company?

21 de July de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

When it comes to business performance, the first thing that comes to mind is the conversion results. However, performance is more means to achieve a particular result that the result itself. Indeed, one thing leads to another: just as there is no end without the means, you can not talk about conversions without efficiency and assertiveness in performance.

Considering the need for profound changes in the way we perceive, process and act – that is, perform – have listed below some basic steps make a difference in this transformation.

1. Feeling is good, but information is critical

You can have the feeling that a strategy makes sense and everything conspires to make it to work, it is certainly an excellent start to the execution of activities, but is far from enough to ensure driving a strategy. Although everything seems favorable, never dispense validation of a strategy through data and information secure, because without it the best bet may become a mere guess.

2. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Data from past situations are valuable for making decisions, but remember that the “today” is still going on and you can change the direction of things before they become past situations and only serve to feed back the decisions for tomorrow.

3. Solution right only works for the right problem

Not always the most obvious problem should be tackled. Often it is only the representation of a side effect. Thus, fighting up the reflections of the real problems, which are not always identified by the lack of depth of the information used. It is always important to stress the crossing of existing data to generate more data in the search for “symptoms” that differentiate the situation of the like.

4. tests are always welcome

With so many stock options and the complexity of the market, get tied into one successful strategy and rely on the belief that it will never fail is a serious mistake. Although its current strategy will offer you the best results ever seen, follow conducting small tests and getting to know new media and tools from being caught off guard in the future and even discover an alternative to enhance its current strategy.

5. Hits and misses feeding strategies

All strategies performed, whether successful or not, produce very high value data. All these data are fed back into the strategies in order to make the whole more intelligent and less risky move. Past mistakes and successes should be considered with equal importance. It notes that the difference of this reading and feedback process is its speed, as it may occur over one day.

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