Internet + Entrepreneurship = Success

15 de April de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

Today, entrepreneurship and internet go hand in hand. But few people have any idea that the internet has given encouragement to entrepreneurship few years ago and the total difference that it currently does.

Much is made in chase of dreams, to work hard to reap the rewards, but few of us really get along when leaving work of our “comfort zones” and get that better future which we so long.

Think of life as a great wake of processes, those that we see in industries. In the wake that will rolling, workers will put all materials needed to create a product that will come out ready at the end of that production line.

In your life is the same. All you have won, it is because one day decided to put in its wake the necessary inputs. And that goes for both the good things, and for the bad things.

No great achievement happens suddenly or by chance. If a professional achievement promotion is because, over time, has been putting in its wake inputs in the form of endless overtime, dedication to work or the most crucial moments to solve a given problem. And the result of all this addition, rather than a finished product, is its promotion.

Similarly, I can mention the downside of this mat personal processes. The end of a relationship, for example. No one ends a relationship of a sudden. What happens is that, over time, the couple was putting in its wake those unresolved discussions, resentments, hurts, grudges that ultimately led to the end of the relationship.

But what does this have to do with the internet and entrepreneurship? Let me explain:

Today are the history of the best for those who want to undertake and live what you love.

The Internet, which was created to meet the need for data exchange between universities, eventually becoming the most equalizing of human tools. I say possible because equalizer and still allowing companies arise from almost nothing and achieve unimaginable fortunes. It also allows small and even backyard companies, to compete with multinationals. Is there a market for all.

Similarly, even if not reached fortunes, it also enables niche markets never before explored, can be discovered and have economic viability.

So for you who are not happy with your work, seeking something better or even that you’re happy, but you know you can do better, I would like to invite you to think of the internet. Not as a hobby, where people throw away countless hours of their lives playing addictive little games or snooping around other people’s lives.

I refer to the internet that works, giving results. Think you have in your hands the same tools available to anyone anywhere in the world. So there is no reason to apologize.

In fact, there are many excuses that we arrange for ourselves. However unconsciously, fraudamos our plans for a better future and autossabotamos with thoughts like “but already there are people doing it,” “competition is very big,” “do not know where to start,” “I’m no expert,” “not I have enough money, “” do not have enough time “,” I am a perfectionist “and so on.

We could certainly list a series of reasons not to put our dreams into practice. But if you really want to do something different, to be sure the internet can help you. And it is only you decide to take the first step, becoming easier to take the next, and then the next and so on.

The speed with which your dreams will come true is directly linked to the amount of energy and dedication you have for him. So, set your dream, trace their goals, learn enough to get started and get to work.

Enjoy the journey, achieve success and be happy!

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