Research reveals trends in the Brazilian technology labor market

9 de May de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

A survey conducted by, Marketplace platform-independent work and crowdsourcing, drew a picture of trends for the technology labor market in Brazil. According to the survey conducted between January and March this year, marketers are betting on alternatives to Facebook, Apple is gaining more space with the launch of Apple Watch and services related to content are still quite popular.

According to numbers registered on the site, marketers are stricter with regard to the selection of activities involving social networks. The area of ​​Marketing in Social Media grew 8%, with 4,650 projects, and the social networks rose by 5%, to 5,262. The pace is slower compared to previous quarters.

According to the analysis of the site, the main reason is the change of the Facebook algorithm, which affects the work of marketers who spent hours promoting organic search on the net. According to the survey, although Facebook has released 1,390 million monthly active users, the work related to Mark Zuckerberg’s company recorded low of 2%, which led to fewer ad requests and, consequently, higher prices of advertising as a way to compensation.

Industry analysts now suggest alternatives to the professionals to Facebook, such as creating their own social relationship tools, encouraging people to interact with your site. The has many registered UI designers and being highly sought after now (17.5% more than in the previous quarter).

In 2014, Pinterest the linked projects rose sharply thanks to the prospect of paid around pins and new features to support greater engagement of users. In the first quarter, the increase was slow and steady 6% to 1,745 projects.

Twitter was down project registration, only 3,766, up 0.7% in the quarter. The cause of this timid growth was linked to the amount of fake accounts, high spam levels (more than 10% in recent reports) and recent news on the bad spam management. Even the microblogging announced that its average number of monthly users fell 4 million in the last three months of 2014, reaching 288 million users.

The news around Twitter are not only bad. The expectation of the opportunity of using the “streaming” for the marketing and the skills to handle the Periscope app – recently acquired by Twitter – allow both employers such as news agencies, marketing departments and travel companies hire freelancers from all over the world to convey what is happening in places that are of interest and help to engage consumers.

Already in the labor market involving mobile devices, Apple has gained ground in the last three months, mainly due to the visibility generated by the launch of the Apple Smart Watch clock. There were about 45,000 mobile apps projects for the business ecosystem in the 1st quarter of 2015 with an overall increase of 17.4% quarter over quarter. The work related to the iOS platform are gaining pace, an increase of 17.7%, a total of 12,246 projects. Nevertheless, Android still holds the lead with a total of 14,831 jobs and an increase of 14.3%.

Regarding the content, the labor market has been seeking further specialized material to attract traffic and business through organic search SEO. This change in behavior is also a reflection of the change in the scope of Facebook, which has caused companies to seek other alternatives visibility.

In this quarter, there was an increase of job opportunities linked to eBooks (with 43% and 1,943 projects), creative writing (41%, with 18 877 projects), written content (26%, with 7,650) and ghostwriting (23%, with 8,514 ) all fast-paced growth. Writing e-mails, campaigns and websites are also on the rise (15% to 10,418). Accompanying this increase, there is also high in the work of revision (20%, with 3,351) coming from editors and content producers looking to outsource the task.

Jobs related to the visual marks also were up significantly. Corporate branding continues to increase (37% and 1.953 projects) as well as design booklet (23% in 2702) and logo design (18% with 18 043).

Magazines and audiovisual vloggers are showing the value as an alternative to visual narrative. The expectation is that the production of video content increase over 2015. Video Editing (15% with 1,239 projects) and video services (7% in 2956) are growing steadily, with YouTube work earning more ground in the last three months (2.8%, with 1,059)

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