ERP Project: Eliminate risks and conflicts

31 de October de 2014, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

Every project, regardless of whether it is ERP (Enterprise Management Software) should be designed with the basic premise that has a beginning, middle and end, that the time and the budget is met and follow the best practices of Project Management Institute (PMI).

Added to this, there is the experience of mature markets such as Japan and the United States, who preach a logical sequence to achieve the expectations and goals through the established indicators. Everything seems simple and quiet, but let’s see some suggestions that make all the difference in managing your ERP project.

Japanese culture is recognized and admired around the world for the discipline and patience to pursue in detail a path of victory and success with quick response and quality. There are several examples of resilience and recovery of people, the most recent being that of Fukushima.

The suggestion that culture is: Obey the planning and execution system 80-20. What does that mean? should spend 80% of time planning, the greater the ability to design and simulate the potential problems in the execution, the better you will be prepared to run the remaining 20%.

This also includes the identification of the profile of the project team. I once heard a manager on a project – who does not bother much help! A conflicting dilemma. Proof of this is exactly what this project the person in question was key in the company, as it was in the strategic restructuring of the company.

How then delete it from the project? Bring her to be part of the project was to a fairly simple task, when applied a bit of psychology, knowledge of the desires, fears and limitations. For everything to go right, it is crucial to extract maximum people. It is very common to run over this practice in the design, so the second suggestion is: always evaluate and motivate your team.

The dynamics of Project Management, the practice of discipline and organization, managing your agenda, tasks and team activities and issues that impact the conduct of the project and require a Herculean dedication is hard, but you need to dedicate time to manage change and conflict resolution. These are skills that the Project Manager develops constantly by his experience and surely one of the pillars of the success of the project.

Should we extend an absolutely different when dealing with people because when implementing an ERP project, the main support pillars are: People – Processes – System, realize that everyone is linked to personal decisions, so people are a key part of success of the project. The suggestion here is: Develop a plan to live and fluent communication between staff.

Can Manage Projects with quality through the convergence of the set where everything has to work well and in the same direction, starting from the understanding of customer expectations, causing it to be clear. The fourth suggestion is: What combination is not expensive.

Now, let’s quickly address what I consider most important phases of an ERP project. After the launch meeting or meeting kick off, if you like, in this initial phase of the project is very important to have defined where we want to go.

When the project started, a photograph is required. This phase allows carefully analyze the client’s business rules, phase called BPM – Business Project Management, including business analysis, called (As Is), where it is raised, understood and mapped the process flowchart, allowing analyze the effort on product changes or suggest changes to business processes. Then deviations and list of pending issues, which we call the GAP’s are analyzed.

The product should be planned so that the GAP’s are minimal. The result (As Is) will help define the next steps, such as to (To Be), “How It,” ie, preparing business with converged pillars to support the evolution and growth of the company. All this seems simple and obvious, but it is necessary that resources are totally aligned: Customer acting as a motivator of change agent.

The Product must be used to the maximum level of their adherence to the best practices of your industry and market. The Professional Service must provide quality and safety through experience, ability and commitment to deliver what the product intends to do better.

The most important this last suggestion is for the market to watch out with the vendor on the guarantees necessary for the project to be completed on time and on budget. Only he who possesses effective technical and methodological resources can offer such guarantees.

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