IT: a support base for any business

20 de July de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

The trend to automate processes is increasingly common in organizations seeking operational excellence, and this has driven investment in Information and Communication Technology – one of the reasons that makes the area grow up the economy. Regardless of the company’s line of business, investment in IT should be preserved because it is the support base for any business. So one of the areas requiring investment in IT is information security, as companies must treat corporate data as the most valuable asset, and invest in governance processes centralized IT.

I will explain you why. Can you imagine a bank cutting technology investments or postponing the update of the software? The reality is outside of the curve for a financial institution that handles all kinds of investments and sensitive information, but should not be for micro and medium entrepreneurs, because the confidentiality of information, the security of your internal data and data your customers will ensure business sustainability in the short, medium and long term.

Today, all companies handling sensitive data and confidential information that is saved in the cloud and / or corporate devices. And who ensures security? The correct IT investment. The technology, when applied in the right way, can prevent fraud, intrusion systems and ensure the health of the company, so it is important that both the small business that works with raw materials, as the big retail entrepreneur, enxerguem IT as a strategic part of the organization.

If companies do not invest in technology, simple activities such as clearance of goods, issuance of notes, purchases of raw materials, paying employees, among others, will be compromised, which makes the essential area for business to when it goes bad . After all, how to quantify losses and opportunities without technology? How to generate insights and evaluate new opportunities without Business Intelligence?

For more effective governance

We see big brands suffer financial losses often incalculable, because of gaps left in the security systems of information. So some advice for you, businessman who cares about the information of your company: have governance processes and processes increasingly clear and effective, if you want to ensure the safety of your corporate information.

Governance can not only involve basic information such as e-mails control, security connection to the internet but must include minor factors and apparently do not present risks, such as reports on discarded junk, employee training in relation to use of the information he has access, and the management of his devices inside and outside the corporate environment.

From the point of view of information, the governance area is strategic within the corporation, and therefore it needs to grow and not be restricted to basic IT processes, but must involve all organizational processes, as the gaps and generate losses financial, can compromise the survival of the business and the reputation of your brand before the market.

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