Digital Retail: technology changes consumer relations

1 de October de 2012, by , Posted in News, Comments Off

So accelerated trade has absorbed various innovations and seen his old DNA turn.

It’s been some time that the motto “buy without leaving home” began to popularize in the country In the beginning, of course, there was great resistance from the consumers. But gradually, the Brazilians were taking like the convenience of clicks to replace traditional carts and bags.

Increasingly consolidated, the domestic e-commerce is today a multibillion dollar industry – with growth rates above those shown by conventional retail – and already reached 43 million fans.

Still, the space for e-commerce move is vast, since only about 10% of retailers use the internet to sell their products. Integration of all channels of communication, incorporating new technologies and improved logistics are some of the most important challenges for the digital retail modify, further, consumer relations in the near future.

“Innovative technologies are creating a more modern society, with impacts on retail. Commerce is an increasingly interactive process between buyer and seller, providing a richer and more intense consumer experience,” says Norberto Torres, socio- director Uniconsult Systems, a company specializing in technology solutions for e-commerce.

Rapid changes

This level of interaction, which we have followed intensified in recent years, tends to deepen. And, in this universe, the changes are faster than our eyes can follow. Just think, for about seven years, social networks were almost nonexistent in Brazil.

Today, those who do not have a profile on Facebook or Twitter are considered exceptions, the hermits of the XXI century. In the recent past, downloading required much patience of surfers. A simple song took hours to download. In current times, with a good broadband, downloading a full movie takes less than 60 minutes. All this evolves in a snap.

Retail digital, the process of evolution is the same frantic. However, there remain major limitations which, with time, should disappear. “It is not possible (through commerce), for example, try an outfit or feel your material.

However, all this will change soon they begin to enter the retailing technologies sensory immersion (which will create virtual realities using holograms and three-dimensional objects and environments).

Still gives little importance to it, but they will be of great importance in the future, “Torres sees. According to him, at first, very innovative ideas seem utopian or even meaningless, as a mere dream of Hollywood film, but then everything changes.


Despite major technological transformations ahead, there are still problems ‘archaic’ with which the Brazilian trade must deal. Automation (presence of computer and issuer tax), although increasing, reaches only 39.7% of the establishments in the country, according to a study of Bematech. According to Felipe Morais, specializes in strategic planning and digital new media director of the Brazilian Association of Electronic Commerce (ABComm), “lack of knowledge about the internet and how this tool will be essential for the survival of the business,” the lack of influence incursion of many traders in this business.


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