You’re the boss or leader in your work?

12 de February de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

Managing a team of collaborators towards common goals and objectives is not easy

Every entrepreneur who achieved a modicum of success and saw your business evolve past the situation to select, employ and coordinate a team of collaborators. If you identify with this situation, surely heard the terms “head” and “lead” relatively often, after all, that the level of relationship you have or would have with these people. But you know what the difference between the two terms? And, better yet, know which of the two – boss or leader – are you?

The head and the leader

Managing a team of collaborators towards common goals and objectives is not easy, and one of the first lessons to be taken in this process is that chief, are very different things. The figure of the all-powerful boss, tough and bossy is quite archaic and is based on moral and monetary stimulus via coercion. The leader, in turn, is a central figure of the “new” way of managing people, leads his group to a status not only of process optimization and production, but deep self-knowledge.

In the current economic context, there are almost no growth space for companies who practice “pure leadership”, since the dynamism inherent to the teams that have capable leaders is necessary for them to meet market demands, increasingly in need of talking heads that solve the problems. And the fuel it all comes down to a magic word: motivation.

Lead is synonymous to motivate staff

The leader of a team or a company working people’s motivation, on several fronts and aspects. A maxim that runs the corporate environment and illustrates very well the situation is, “as a boss says go, a leader says come on?”. The leader thus is incorporated into the body of the team, calling to each other facing the same challenges and the same difficulties of employees, leaving them motivated and encouraged to perform quality work.

This leader’s job to motivate people happens to both directly and indirectly, through simple tools, but very effective. Good examples are encouraging personal growth, self-knowledge and the area in which it operates, and most importantly, becomes friend and confidant of the people he works and lives, helping them to overcome difficulties and professional teaching them to always work best.

Head versus lead

The difference between lead and lead lies on the very significant aspects of a company’s daily routine, and can also be summed up in ten assertions that compare the behavior of both:

Heads inspire fear, leaders inspire enthusiasm;

Heads know how things are done, leaders show how things are done;

The chief criticism; the leader teaches;

The head shows pride, the leader demonstrates humility;

The boss says “I”, the leader says “we”;

The chief charges to be reached in time, the leader arrives before all;

The head leads people, the leader guides them;

The head uses authority, the leader uses empathy;

The chief points guilty of a problem, the leader and his team seek to solve the problem;

The head commands, the leader listens and asks.

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