Logistics Consulting

11 de July de 2014, by , Posted in News, Comments Off

Contract or not, that is the question. The fact is that the consultant is able to share the experience and the knowledge that your company may not have available as well as time and personnel available for the development of a specific project.

Perhaps the main advantage of the consultant is their ability, based on a methodology to diagnose the problem the company in a structured and objective manner, without being influenced by “political.”

Before hiring a consulting firm, it is important to know exactly what is expected of her. Many frustrations can be avoided when they are clearly defined the purpose of the work, its scope and breadth, that is, knowing what will be delivered at the end of work.

During the selection phase, invite several companies initially evaluated its technical proposal, in order to define exactly which ones are able to develop the work. Thus, only after defining the technical proposal and choose the companies qualified to perform the work, have business proposal, ie, the price and terms. Define the criterion of choice, which can be from the price competition between the technically qualified firms or negotiate directly.

There are a few consulting companies with excellent market reputation in matters related to logistics. These companies are probably more appreciated by large companies, who are used to paying higher values ​​for work of this nature. However, it is very important to remember that such amount, as every investment must be justified, ie, have a return / benefit.

There are also many small consulting firms, many based on only a single professional, which, despite certain limitations, can meet your specific needs at a much more affordable cost. However worth remembering that, in a way, your staff may be as qualified as the staff of large companies, with the possibility of a more personalized service.

After selected the consulting firm, define a method of monitoring the work, with periodic follow-up meetings and, if necessary, reset the proposed consultancy work in order to achieve the proposed objective. Always try to document these monitoring meetings to formalize the decisions taken.

It is important to conclude an agreement or contract between the parties containing the items to be developed in the workplace, and the obligations of each of the companies. This can help a lot in eliminating conflicts due to certain issues “are not very well clear.”

What a consultant has to offer is their knowledge and experience, but always leaning on a methodology developed in order to direct you in identifying the solution and proposing alternatives.

At first contact to request the consulting company to make a brief presentation of your business, as well as the methodology that will apply to sell, deliver and assist the company in all the work.

This methodology must go through steps such as:

Identification of a potential consulting, because the consultant starts work at this stage where it shows your potential and creates a need on the client via indications, published articles, books and advertising, among others;

  1. Preliminary Contact done by the customer;
  2. Preliminary survey needs to direct a consultant;
  3. Visit diagnose the customer’s premises;
  4. Definition of objectives;
  5. Defining a methodology for the job in question;
  6. Preparation of a technical proposal;
  7. Developing a business proposition;
  8. Approval of the proposals;
  9. Drafting and signing of the contract;
  10. Development of work according to the technical proposal;
  11. Evaluation of performance and results during and after work;
  12. Periodic Assistance (After Sales).

Source: http://www.guialog.com.br/

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