Process Mapping

28 de November de 2014, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

The mapping of processes is of paramount importance for the improvement of business management. By mapping processes are detected problems and bottlenecks that influence and diminish the effectiveness of management

From 1980 occurred within large organizations focusing changes on business competitiveness. It was in the 80s that appeared techniques such as Just-in-time (JIT), Kanban, CCQ’s Total Quality Program, Rationalization of Production, Downsize, etc.

These techniques have surfaced and brought the practice of striving for excellence and efficiency in the corporate world where, increasingly, it is urgent for measuring and maximizing returns. In this context, process mapping came collaborate effectively with business management.

Among the many results of the mapping process, include: better understanding of business analysis and process improvement company, reducing the runtime, standardization and quality improvement.

It is evident that in an environment where time is wasted and where manifests excessive bureaucracy results can be drastically compromised.

To begin the necessary process makes the identification and prioritization of problems their examination and what are its causes, the definition of essential processes (keys), process mapping and performance management of the same.

To get your hands on all these variables will be essential to conducting interviews, questionnaires, meetings, observations in locum, document analysis, systems analysis, among others.

Interviews and questionnaires should be made and implemented in all departments. We first tried them on executed tasks and their purposes.

Should be raised: which process inputs; which outputs; which objectives or goals; including measurements of the performance of existing processes; what are the risks of not performing the procedures or changes; who is responsible for the process; terms of planning and implementation period and others as necessary.

After understood what the limits of the processes, their inputs and outputs, as well as their goals, comes the turn to determine what level of detail the process map.

Should begin by mapping the departments or stages where more bottlenecks, inefficiency or ineffectiveness was found.

After mapping a process of verification and validation should be followed so that possible errors are remedied and that ascertain the veracity of the map.

Only after mapping, verification and validation, one can better understand the organization studied and then suggest changes that lead to better performance.

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