See problems, give solutions

27 de October de 2014, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

The more our attitude is negative and full of bad things, more wear and loss of good energy we caused (to ourselves and around us). You need to change behavior and move to analyze the strengths of situations

It is not difficult to find people who have the habit of complaining about everything being against everything and think you understand everything. Popularly known as boring, these people almost never present solutions and ideas to change what the bother.

Complaining is natural and healthy to so therefore, it is possible to establish communication to seek to improve situations, cohabitation, etc. environments However, it is important to have common sense and do not confuse complaint with impertinence.

The curmudgeon is lifestyle the complaint, the predicament. And this is linked to personality, the energy of each. The act of complaining is, on the contrary, the appointment of a problem, a failure of communication, attitude, and should be placed as a means of improvement and not as a personal characteristic.

Now, it is important to reflect on what is claimed, because the hope is that solutions for which claims are submitted.

That goes for everything: for family life, in the workplace, in making choices, like the elections we are living this year. What you see is lots of complaints (both politicians and the people) on the situation of the country, political figures, etc., in addition to fervent attacks on the electoral game. However one perceives some ideas and proposals that represent solutions to all crave so much.

Fact is that such postures before the only thing that achievement is an emotional stress and a marked loss of energy, and the reaction is therefore a high concentration of negative energy. And we need positive energy to traverse paths of success.

Ie, the more our attitude is negative and full of bad things more wear and loss of good energy we caused (to ourselves and around us). You need to change behavior and move to analyze the positives of the situation. Thus, the ideas and solutions will emerge and, from that, living in different walks of life will become easier, more pleasant, after all, who likes being around someone with negative attitudes?

So it is critical (and healthy) try to find solutions to the problems and afflictions, avoiding negativity and addiction rampant complaint.

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